* 영어는 그냥 참고로만 봐주세여. 원어민이 아닙니다.
* There could be several mistakes in English since I am not a native speaker.
며칠 전(사실 꽤 오래 전)에 잭이랑 같이 네덜란드로 여행을 다녀왔다. 잭도 나도 둘 다 자전거 없이는 이동이 불가능한 사람들이라 ㅎ 자전거를 가지고 가고 싶어서 남들처럼 평범하게 비행기를 타고 갔다 온 게 아니고 무려 야간 페리를 타고 다녀옴. 침대 칸이 있는 페리를 타고 여행을 해본 게 난생처음이라 이거에 관한 포스팅을 하고자 한다
A few weeks ago, Jack and I went on a holiday to the Netherlands. We both are the kind of people who can't travel without our bikes (pffft), we therefore took a night ferry instead of getting a plane like everyone else, to take our bikes to the Netherlands. I had never traveled by a ferry at night time before, so I would wanna share my experience with others through this posting.
사실 계산+예매 모두 내가 한 게 아니라 ㅎ... 기억이 잘 안 나는데 보면 페리 비용+침대 칸 비용 따로 지불해야 한다. 자전거 가져가는 비용도 또 따로 지불했던 것 같은데 해당 사진에 없는 걸 보니 그냥 내 착각이었나 싶기도 하고... 아니 근데 자전거 비를 안 냈다는 게 말이 안 되는데 뭐지? 여튼 총 311 파운드 나왔음
To be honest, Jack was in charge of booking and payment during the holiday pfft so I am not really sure about the payment detail. But as you can see, the price for the seats and cabins were separated. I thought I paid an extra fee for our bikes but I could be wrong since I can't find any about it in the picture. The thing is... it doesn't really make sense if I acutally didn't pay any for the bike :/??? Anyway the total we paid was 311 quids.
침대 칸은 대략 이렇게 생겼다. 생각보다 깔끔하고 화장실도 의외로 넓고 깔끔함. 샤워 헤드도 무려 해바라기 샤워 헤드! ^ㅇ^ 침대도 스프링 침대가 아니고 폼 침대고, 침구류도 생각보다 꽤 깨끗했다.
사진에서 보이다시피 TV도 있는데 네덜란드 방송 + 영어 방송 (영국 방송인지는 모르겠음 걍 영어 방송) 이 나오고, 갑판과 반려동물 화물칸 카메라도 스크린을 통해 볼 수 있음
The picture above is the cabin we stayed. It was tidier than I expected, and the toilet too was quite nicer and wider. I was even able to have a hot shower and the shower head was a fancy looking round thingy pffft. The beds weren't springy at all, it seemed that they used memory foam for the beds (which I personally prefer). The clean bedding we used smelled quite nice. As you can see in the picture, they even had a telly and it was broadcasting both Dutch and English (could be american, don't think it was acutal 'british' programmes.) programmes. You also could check the deck and pet kennels throgh the screen.
비싼 식당/ 평범한 식당으로 나뉘어 있음. 사실 나는 배 위니까 한 식사 하나에 13,14 파운드 하려나? 생각했는데 생각보다 저렴하고 맛도 꽤 괜찮다. 내가 먹은 건 중국 커리. 근데 그냥 인도 커리 맛 났는데 왜 중국 커리라 하는지 모를;
There are two options for the restaurants; one is fancier, and more normal. I honestly expected the price to be around £13-14 per meal as restaurants on ferries are normally... rip offs. but it actually was cheaper than I had anticipated and the taste of the food wasn't bad at all (surprisingly). What I had was called chinese curry but I don't really understand why it's called like that. It did taste more Indian than Chinese 🤷♀️
사진은 안 찍어왔는데 (ㅎㅎㅎ 아직 파워 블로거가 아니라 ^ㅇ^) 면세점도 있고 영화관도 있고 카지노도 있다. 그리고 스페셜 멤버를 위한 바도 따로 있음. 이때 당시 크리스마스가 바로 코앞이었어서 엄청 커다란 트리도 여기저기 있었다
I didn't take a pic of them (Unbelievable, I know. I have a far long way to go to become professional), but they had a duty-free shop which had nothing much, a cinema (not free, wow), a small casino, and among others. They also had a separated bar for private members(? not sure) only. It was just before the festive season, so there were big Christams trees all over on the ferry 🎅
여튼 가는 길에 우박에 가까운 눈이 와서 보는 맛이 있었고, 비행기보다 시간은 오래 걸려도 자전거 가져가기도 편하고 침대 칸도 편하고 다리도 뻗을 수 있고 밥도 생각보다 맛있어서 야간으로 간다면 오히려 비행기보다 낫다 하는 생각이 들었다. 밤에 갑판에 올라가서 보는 영국 야경+네덜란드 야경도 좋고..
막상 네덜란드 여행기는 귀찮아서 안 올라올 수도 있음. 아 근데 이때 국경에서 여권 검사하는데 직원이 나를 북한 사람으로 등록해서 (ㅎ? 아닙니다) 한 번에 통과하지 못하는 웃픈 해프닝도 있었음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅠㅠ 별 일이 다 있죠?
다시 티스토리를 해보고자 2 년 만에(...) 포스팅을 들고 와봤는데 다들 재밌게 봐주셨으면 좋겠습니다 흐흐
It was quite cool to be on the ferry whilst there was snow (which actually was more like hail tho). I also thought it could be better than a flight for nighttime travel even if it took longer. It was easier to load our bikes, the cabin was spacious and comfy, and the food was delicious. I also enjoyed watching the nighttime scenery of the UK and the Netherlands from the deck.
What happened during the holiday in the Netherlands may not be uploaded since I am too lazy to do so, pffft. There was a funny anecdote when we passed the borderline btw. The staff misidentified me as a North Korean (which was incorrect , I am South Korean 🙄 I have nothing with Kim Jong Un), so they didn't let me in at once 😂 What a life.
Anyway, I've made up my mind to start my blog again and upload this after 2 years since the last post was updated, so please I hope you enjoy it. Ciao!
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